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About Anguilla
Basic Information

Anguilla is a British overseas territory in the Caribbean.

The language is spoken most widely on the island is English.

Only about 14,000 people live here, with a rich history and culture dating back to the Arawaks, who traveled to the island from South America as far back as 3,500 years ago.

It’s small – 16 miles long by three miles wide. That said, you’ll probably still want to get around by car or bike.

There are no private beaches on Anguilla. All beaches are open to the public.

The capital is called The Valley, and has 600 residents. If you’re looking for cheap eats, you’ll find them at the street market in The Valley.

The above basic information was quoted from: https://www.thebarefootnomad.com/caribbean/anguilla-facts-20-things-you-need-to-know-about-anguilla/

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